
” School Adjustment of Gifted Children”
– Talent Development, Northwestern University, Winter, 1988

” Counseling and Identification: Selection biases concerning the gifted”
– Illinois Council of the Gifted Journal, 1989

” Gifted Parents Support Group”
– Illinois Council of the Gifted Journal, Vol 9, 1990

” Evaluating Intellectual Potential”
– Talent Development, Northwestern University, Spring 1991

” Comparing Different Measures of Intelligence”
– Understanding OurGifted, Vol. 4, (4), March-April,1992, pp 14,15

“Gifted Children and Underachievement at School”
– TalentDevelopment, Northwestern University, Spring 1999

“The Need for Struggle”
-Illinois Association for Gifted Children, Journal 2001

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